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SD Europe obtain observer status on key Euro committee

SD Europe has been granted the observer status on the Standing Committee of the European Convention on Spectator Violence (TR-V) with effect from 16 January 2016 and for a renewable period of three years in accordance with the Standing Committee Rules of Procedure.

The Standing Committee is the body in charge of monitoring the application of the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events. The main mission of the Standing Committee is to make sure the state parties respect the treaty. The Standing Committee is made up of one or more national delegates nominated by the governments of the member states to the Convention.

The Standing Committee meets annually in Strasbourg at the headquarters of the Council of Europe or in a host country before the start of major sports events such as the European Championships. Each member state to the Convention holds one vote and decisions are taken by majority voting. The status of observer at the Standing Committee is held by the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Tunisia, the European Commission, the Holy See, FIFA, UEFA, Football Supporters Europe (FSE) and now, since last month, SD Europe.

The granting of observer status on the Standing Committee to SD Europe will help to consolidate the involvement of supporter organisations in discussions about issues that affect fans across Europe. It gives SD Europe the opportunity to collaborate with key stakeholders in the development of supporter-focused projects in accordance with the Standing Committee’s integrated approach to safety, security and service at sports events. It will raise the profile of the Supporter Liaison Officer role as a dialogue tool at European level and also allow SD Europe to intensify relationships with the various governments and National Football Information Points as part of its efforts to increase awareness of the benefits of supporter liaison in violence prevention, service provision and enhancing the matchday experience.

For more information about the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events, visit the Council of Europe website.

Under Article 35 of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations, clubs across Europe are required to appoint a Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO) to ensure proper and constructive discourse between them and their fans. The SLO project originated in 2009 as a result of detailed talks between UEFA and SD Europe. It was approved by the UEFA Executive Committee in 2010, with SD Europe appointed to manage its implementation across UEFA’s 54 member associations. If you would like to learn more, visit the SLO section on the SD Europe websitefollow the official SLO account on twitter or get directly in touch via

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